Giveaways Widget

The giveaways widget is used to show a list of the giveaways you're currently running (or will be soon).

Here are the steps you need to take to get the widget working:

  1. Go to Appearance > Widgets and add the UBB Giveaways widget to your sidebar.
  2. Configure the settings however you like.
  3. Go to Ultimate BB > General Settings and make sure you have a Giveaway Category selected.
  4. Go to Posts > All Posts and edit one of the posts you're offering a giveaway in (or create a new post).
  5. Make sure the post is added to your designated giveaways category (from step 3).
  6. Scroll down to the box titled "UBB Giveaways" and fill out the details. At minimum, you need to fill out the following:
    1. Giveaway Banner or Prize - Depending on the widget settings you've chosen.
    2. End Date - This is required in order to determine whether or not the giveaway is still live. It will not appear in the widget if this is left out.

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