Giveaways Widget
The giveaways widget is used to show a list of the giveaways you're currently running (or will be soon).
Here are the steps you need to take to get the widget working:
- Go to Appearance > Widgets and add the UBB Giveaways widget to your sidebar.
- Configure the settings however you like.
- Go to Ultimate BB > General Settings and make sure you have a Giveaway Category selected.
- Go to Posts > All Posts and edit one of the posts you're offering a giveaway in (or create a new post).
- Make sure the post is added to your designated giveaways category (from step 3).
- Scroll down to the box titled "UBB Giveaways" and fill out the details. At minimum, you need to fill out the following:
- Giveaway Banner or Prize - Depending on the widget settings you've chosen.
- End Date - This is required in order to determine whether or not the giveaway is still live. It will not appear in the widget if this is left out.