How can I link a book cover to a purchase link?
Note: This will only work in UBB version 3.2.4 or higher.
You can adjust the book cover so that clicking on it links to Goodreads or one of your purchase links. Just follow these steps:
Go to Ultimate BB > Book Information and scroll down to the "Configuration" section. Find the "Cover Image" box and click "Edit Text" to edit the template. What you want to change the template to depends on where you want the cover to link to.
Linking to Goodreads
Replace the contents of the template with this:
<a href="[goodreads]" target="_blank">[image]</a>
Linking to a Purchase Site
If you want the cover to lead to your first purchase link (Purchase Link #1) then replace the contents of the box with this:
<a href="[buy_1]" target="_blank">[image]</a>
If you want the cover to lead to your second purchase link, swap out buy_1 for buy_2. And so on.