Setting up purchase links

First, you want to decide where you want your purchase links to appear. You do this in the Ultimate BB » Book Information section. Scroll down to "Configuration", which has the "Enabled" and "Disabled" columns. Find the box for Purchase Links and drag and drop that box where you want the links to appear.

Then you can set up the links themselves.

Adding purchase links

You can set up your purchase links in Ultimate BB » Purchase Links. You can add as many links as you want. Simply click "Add Link" to add a new link and fill in each field.

Site Name field

This is for your identification only. This is the piece of text that appears on the Edit Post page to help you differentiate between the purchase link boxes. Example:

Template field

The template field is similar to the other book info templates. It consists of text and HTML, with a placeholder for the actual URL.

Here's an example of an Amazon template:

<a href="[link]" target="_blank">Buy on Amazon</a>

Typically, all templates will be exactly the same, but you'd change the link text. So you might have "Buy on Amazon" for this link, but for your Barnes & Noble one you'd change it to "Buy on B&N" or similar.

These templates are for text links. On the actual post, they'll end up looking like this:

The separator

At the bottom of the settings page, there's a field called Separator. This is what you want to appear in between each purchase link. By default it is a comma and a space, but you can edit this to whatever you want.

If you want to add a space, make sure you enter rather than an actual space with your Space Bar. will convert to a space in the end! (promise!)

How to set up an image template instead of text

The examples above show you how to add a template that is a text link, but you can use an image instead. This just requires different HTML. Instead of this:

<a href="[link]" target="_blank">Buy on Amazon</a>

You want something like this:

<a href="[link]" target="_blank"><img src="IMAGE URL HERE" alt="Amazon"></a>

You just have to insert your Amazon (or whatever) image URL where I've marked IMAGE URL HERE. So a final example might look like this:

<a href="[link]" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Amazon"></a>

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