Noah - Demo Site Widgets

In case you're curious, we've made a list of the widgets we're using on the demo site. These are organized according to the widget area titles, then we list the widgets we've used in those widget areas.

Slide Out - Column #1

Normal Text widget with the following settings:

Title: About


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque a elementum velit, quis pretium urna. Quisque elementum nisl eu arcu pretium, id elementum mauris fermentum. Phasellus sit amet semper nibh. 
<a href="/about/">MORE <i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i></a>

Slide Out - Column #2

Noah Social Media widget with the following settings:

Title: Friend + Follow

Note: You can set your social media profile URLs in Appearance ยป Customize.

Slide Out - Column #3

Noah Browse widget with the following settings:

Title: Etc

Footer - Column #1

Recent Posts widget with the following settings:

Title: Latest Posts

Number of posts to show: 3

Display date: {unchecked}

Footer - Column #2

Noah Popular Posts widget with the following settings:

Title: Popular Posts

Number of Posts: 3

Time Frame: All Posts

Footer - Coolumn #3

Noah Latest Comment widget with the following settings:

Title: Latest Comment

To see what we've used for the homepage widgets, please see our guide on how to set up the homepage like the demo.

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